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Parts of Body

Learning Outcome

Children will learn to identify and name basic parts of the body (such as head, arms, legs, hands, and feet). They will also begin to understand simple functions of each body part (for example, hands are for holding, legs are for walking)



Learning Outcome

Children will develop empathy by imagining and describing how they would feel in someone else’s situation. They will learn to take and understand the perspectives of others, including those who are different from themselves.

CASEL - Social Awareness and EL.4y-K.III.C.4 and Goal P-SE 7


Learning Outcome

Children will express care, concern and compassion toward others by making sympathetic statements and offering support when others are distressed.

CASEL - Social Awareness and EL.4y-K.III.C.4 and Goal P-SE 7


Learning Outcome

Children will practice kind acts, express appreciation and care towards those around them, and demonstrate prosocial behaviors, such as sharing and helping others, through thoughtful consideration of their needs and intentions.

CASEL - Social Awareness and Goal P-SE 3 and EL.4y-K.III.C.2

Conflict resolution

Learning Outcome

Children will use problem-solving skills and basic strategies to resolve social conflicts and suggest solutions. They will express their feelings, needs, and opinions during these situations. They will seek adult help when needed to resolve conflicts.

CASEL - Relationship Skills and Goal P-SE 5


Learning Outcome

Children will understand that sports are for having fun, building social skills, and developing basic physical abilities, with the focus on enjoyment and growth rather than competition or advanced skill development.



Learning Outcome

Children will demonstrate safety awareness by making safe choices in daily activities, assessing risks, and distinguishing between safe and unsafe behaviors. They will accept adult guidance and respond appropriately in unsafe situations.

EL.2-3y.I.B.1 Goal P-PMP 6

Personal Care

Learning Outcome

Children will learn to initiate and respond to self-care routines that support their personal hygiene.

EL.2-3y.I.C.1 and Goal P-PMP 4


Learning Outcome

Children will improve their self-feeding skills using age-appropriate utensils, learn to communicate when they are hungry, thirsty, or full, and begin to express their food choices and preferences. They will also gain a basic understanding of the importance of nutrition for healthy development.

EL.2-3y.I.D.1 and Goal P-PMP 5

Emotion Recognition of Own

Learning Outcome

Children will identify and name the emotions they are feeling. They will describe and express their emotions.

EL.2-3y.III.A.1 and Goal P-SE 6 and CASEL: Self-Awareness
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