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Parts of Body

Learning Outcome

Children will learn to identify and name basic parts of the body (such as head, arms, legs, hands, and feet). They will also begin to understand simple functions of each body part (for example, hands are for holding, legs are for walking)



Learning Outcome

Children will understand the importance of maintaining good posture and learn to avoid posture problems. They will demonstrate control of their body to support proper posture.

UPILY.WB.HW.K.6 and Goal P-PMP 1

Responsible decision making

Learning Outcome

Children will understand that their actions have consequences for their own and others' well-being. They will develop the ability to make responsible and constructive choices for themselves and those around them by evaluating situations and considering ethical standards, safety concerns, and social norms.

CASEL - Responsible Decision Making

Sense of Belonging

Learning Outcome

Children will identify and express a sense of identity and belonging in different groups and settings, such as family or culture, where they feel safe, loved, and accepted. They will begin to communicate their connections to these groups in various ways, such as through personal stories.

CASEL - Self Awareness and Goal P-SE 11


Learning Outcome

Children will develop positive feelings about themselves and identify examples of positive affirmations they can use as a coping strategy to support themselves in various situations, promoting positive thinking and self-talk. They will recognize situations where using affirmations could be particularly helpful.

CASEL - Self-Management and CASEL - Self-Awareness and Goal P-SE 10

Self Esteem

Learning Outcome

Children will identify and describe positive qualities about themselves. They will show satisfaction upon completing tasks or solving problems, express their own ideas or beliefs during interactions with others, and feel safe and confident when trying new things.

CASEL - Self Awareness and Goal P-SE 10

Sense of Identity

Learning Outcome

Children will build a healthy sense of who they are by recognizing and expressing their unique characteristics, such as abilities, interests, preferences, and cultural background.

CASEL - Self Awareness and Goal P-SE 9

Forgiveness of Others

Learning Outcome

Children will understand the meaning of forgiveness, including that it is a choice, and identify situations where it is encouraged. They will demonstrate this understanding when resolving conflicts.

CASEL - Relationship Skills and Goal P-SE 5 UPILY.WB.SE.K.8

Conflict resolution

Learning Outcome

Children will use problem-solving skills and basic strategies to resolve social conflicts and suggest solutions. They will express their feelings, needs, and opinions during these situations. They will seek adult help when needed to resolve conflicts.

CASEL - Relationship Skills and Goal P-SE 5


Learning Outcome

Children will practice kind acts, express appreciation and care towards those around them, and demonstrate prosocial behaviors, such as sharing and helping others, through thoughtful consideration of their needs and intentions.

CASEL - Social Awareness and Goal P-SE 3 and EL.4y-K.III.C.2
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