Age Group
Clear All Filters

Parts of Body

Learning Outcome

Children will learn to identify and name basic parts of the body (such as head, arms, legs, hands, and feet). They will also begin to understand simple functions of each body part (for example, hands are for holding, legs are for walking)



Learning Outcome

Children will be able to investigate how sunlight affects different surfaces and use their observations to explain how sunlight impacts the natural world. They will make observations to determine the effect of sunlight on Earth’s surface, focusing on surfaces like sand, soil, rocks, and water.


Light and Materials

Learning Outcome

Children will determine the effect of placing objects made with different materials in the path of a beam of light. They will learn the differences between transparent, translucent, opaque, and reflective materials. For example, children will explore how light passes through clear plastic (transparent), is partially blocked by wax paper (translucent), is completely blocked by cardboard (opaque), and is reflected by a mirror (reflective). They will understand how each material interacts with light.


Thunder and Lightning

Learning Outcome

Children will observe thunder and lightning to explore the relationship between lightning and static electricity. They will learn how a lightning bolt is formed and what gives lightning its "zap." For example, children will explore the concept of static electricity by rubbing balloons on their hair and observing how the balloons can attract small paper pieces.



Learning Outcome

Children will learn how and why clouds move and gain a basic understanding of how clouds form. They will observe different cloud formations and identify and describe types such as cumulus, stratus, cirrus, and nimbus clouds. For example, children will learn that clouds form from water vapor that cools and condenses in the sky and that wind patterns influence cloud movement.


Water and Material Interactions

Learning Outcome

Children will investigate and understand how different common materials interact with water. Key concepts include; a) some liquids will separate when mixed with water, but others will not; b) some solids will dissolve in water, but others will not; and
b) some solids will dissolve in water, but others will not.


Simple Machines

Learning Outcome

Children will explore how simple machines give us an advantage by changing the amount, speed, or direction of forces. They will learn that we are dependent on simple machines in many aspects of our lives. For example, children will consider what problems they might face if the door knob broke before they could open a door, how to load an ATV into the back of a pickup truck without a ramp, how a carpenter separates two boards nailed together incorrectly, and how to open a drink bottle without a screw-on cap


Introduction to Quantum Particles

Learning Outcome

Children will be introduced to the concept of very small particles that make up everything around us. They will learn about molecules, atoms, quarks, and quantum particles. Through engaging activities and discussions, children will be encouraged to develop their curiosity and observation skills, exploring the fascinating world of tiny particles.



Learning Outcome

Children will understand the basics of composting and learn that it involves turning food scraps and yard waste into nutrient-rich soil. They will describe how composting benefits the local environment by helping plants grow better, reducing waste, and keeping the environment clean.


Day Cycle

Learning Outcome

Children will experience, compare, and use time-related language to develop a basic understanding of the day and night cycle. They will learn to identify different times of the day, such as morning, afternoon, evening, and night, and use these terms to communicate their daily experiences. For example, children will describe activities they do in the morning, such as eating breakfast, and those they do in the afternoon, like playing outside

Age Group
Clear All Filters


Early learning app for kids through digital media