Children will practice using appropriate greetings such as "good morning," "good night," "hello," and "how are you?" in real-life situations. Through role-playing exercises and interactive games, teachers can help them understand when and how to use these greetings in conversations, fostering polite communication skills and helping them develop social confidence. This practice enables children to engage respectfully and appropriately with others from a young age.
Children will learn the significance of basic manners such as respect and dignity in both public places and personal interactions. Through simple activities, such as storytime or role-playing with puppets, educators can demonstrate polite behaviors like saying "please" and "thank you," taking turns, and being kind to others.
Children will learn to respect privacy and personal space through guided activities and discussions. Using scenarios or storybooks, teachers can illustrate appropriate behaviors in private spaces like reading corners and washrooms. Role-playing helps children practice asking for permission before entering someone’s space and responding politely if their own space is invaded, teaching them to respect boundaries and personal privacy.